Promo Blast Options
The basic tour includes three blast dates of your choice. We can recommend options in a consultation, or you can choose from the options below.
With ALC management, your audiobook is shared with a curated list of reviewers, who will post reviews on Goodreads, Bookbub, your website, and/or Amazon (and other retailers as appropriate). These copies will only be downloadable until two days prior to your projected release date. Many of our reviewers also post reviews on social media.
If you are exclusive with ACX, when the book goes live, we will distribute Audible download codes to reviewers trusted to post reviews.
We will create one square (1080 x 1080 px) graphics for each blast date, that will include the audiobook cover image and the title of the tour blast. One of these may be a video incorporating a short sample of the audiobook narration.
All blast posts will include some version of the blurb, the buy link you provide and any preferred hashtags. It's recommended to feature the buy link at the top of your Instagram and other social media bios. You'll also be tagged so you can respond, which will keep the posts active.
Now in Audio or Release Day
This blast can be set for a projected release day, or when your book is already live.
See our FAQ page to learn how to set a preorder and/or release date with ACX.

Narrator Reveal
Only recommended when you have a preorder date

Current Listen
included with all tours

Influencers often create their own "edits" for Instagram or videos for TikTok or they post a written review with our graphic.

Audio Sale
Series Sale
Audiobooks must be in wide-release to set sale prices

Audio Spotlight
Catchall blast that can highlight a bundle release, top reviews or special features.

Audio Sneak Peek
Audio Teaser
Not a video. Posts will include either a link to your website where you've embedded a video with an extended sample, preferably 1 - 2 chapters, (example here) OR a link to YouTube with the same (example here). Buy links should be posted with the audio sample.

Short video featuring a snippet (59 seconds or less) of the audiobook. Can be used as a blast on its own or as part of another blast choice.
If you have further questions, feel free to contact us or set up a consult: